Grossmont High School District (2024 General)
La Mesa City Council (2024 General)
Associated Propaganda Pieces
Lemon Grove Mayor (General 2024)
Associated Propaganda Pieces
Measure G (2024 General)
San Diego County Measure G is on the ballot as a referral in San Diego County on November 5, 2024. A “yes” vote supports authorizing a half-cent sales tax to fund San Diego County transportation, infrastructure, and safety projects, raising $350 million annually for road and rail upgrades, congestion reduction, safety improvements, environmental protections, and requiring citizen oversight and annual audits. A “no” […]
Associated Propaganda Pieces
Measure HH (2024 General)
San Diego Community College District Measure HH is on the ballot as a referral in San Diego Community College District on November 5, 2024. A “yes” vote supports authorizing the San Diego Community College District to issue $3.5 billion in bonds and enact a property tax, estimated at a rate of $25 per $100,000 of assessed property value, while bonds are outstanding. A “no” vote opposes authorizing the San […]
Associated Propaganda Pieces
Measure P (2024 General Election)
Shall the measure to continue funding City of Chula Vista services including fixing potholes; keeping streets, sidewalks, infrastructure, parks, public facilities safe, clean, well-maintained; repairing aging storm drains; managing traffic congestion; and removing trash/graffiti from public spaces, by renewing City of Chula Vista’s half-cent transactions and use tax at the current rate (no increase), continuing […]
Associated Propaganda Pieces
Measure RR
SWEETWATER UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 55% Required to pass RR To repair/upgrade schools, including vocational/career, science, engineering classrooms/labs, technology; improve safety/security, emergency communications systems; remove asbestos/lead paint/mold; provide safe drinking water; repair gas/sewer lines, restrooms; shall Sweetwater Union High School District’s measure authorizing $647,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $30 per $100,000 of assessed […]
Associated Propaganda Pieces
Measure SW
SOUTHWESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 55% Required to pass SW SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE CAREER EDUCATION, REPAIR, AFFORDABLE HIGHER EDUCATION MEASURE. To prepare students/veterans for jobs; upgrade vocational/career classrooms, labs/technology/equipment to train local nurses, firefighters/paramedics/other occupations; remove lead pipes/asbestos; repair deteriorating gas/sewer lines; shall Southwestern Community College District issue $800,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levy on average […]