Terra Lawson-Remer has a 95% attendance record for the Board of Supervisor meeting: https://www.supervisorterralawsonremer.com/content/dam/d3/board-letters-pdf/VotingRecord13-Sep-2024-11-24-22.pdf

This mailer refers to “committee and subcommittee meetings” (not actual supervisor meetings), claiming that Supervisor Lawson Remer has missed 74% of these meetings.  While Supervisor Lawson-Remer did not personally attend 74% of these meetings, her assigned representative to each of these committees attended on behalf of her office.

Terra Lawson Remer does not have a seat on the “Regional Task Force on Homelessness” board.  Therefore, she has not been in attendance of these meetings.  Terra Lawson-Remer is vice chair of the associated  Continuum of Care board.  Representatives for Lawson-Remer rather than the supervisor herself has attended 10 of the 13 meetings the continuum has held since 2022, when she joined the board.  https://voiceofsandiego.org/2024/09/27/fact-check-did-lawson-remer-ghost-regional-homelessness-group/


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